Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 37

No more oxygen tubes....WOOOHOO!
Carter had his nasal cannula removed today so he has one less wire to worry about getting tangled. You can finally see his cute little cute!
He was having a good day today so far...had a couple of episodes but brought them right back up all by himself..he is such a good boy.
I will call this evening to see how the rest of his day was.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Day 32 thru Day 36

We love our new pod (step down from critical unit). We call it Pod B. But, we miss our Level 3 nurses terribly..amazing how close we get to the ones caring for your loved ones.
He continues to do well...they took him off of his continous feeds on Friday and started on 17 ml every 3 hours. As of today, Sunday, he is on 26 ml every 3 hours and is handeling it very well. This is the maximum amount of milk for his weight so as his weight changes so will the amout.
2lbs 15 oz as of Saturday night...might be 3 lbs today...WOOHOO!
The nurse practioner told his today in the orders that they want Carter to start exploring when I hold him so we are starting to prepare his to nurse which I think might happen in a couple of weeks.
Thank you for your prayers and please continue..we still have a ways to go before we have him home.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Moving on up!

Just got off the phone with Carter's nurse and he is moving pods...moving up to Level 2 (the less critical care)!!!!
So excited...we will miss our Level 3 nurses...we love them!:)
Can't wait tomorrow to see his new room and to meet our new nurses:D
He will be here until we go home...closer to the door closer to home!
He needs to grow much more before that can happen..we will wait..we are patient!

Day 30 - Day31

Had a great visit today and many picture opportunities..he was being very photogenic:)
He is doing well..weighing in at 2lbs 11 oz. His blood levels were low..nothing out of the ordinary but might have to do a small transfusion on Thursday if they are still low then. They have heard a heart murmur this past week and they have explained that is not bad, very normal for preemies and will usually heal on its own.
That is it for now..still doing well and trying to grow a little bit..we are trying to see some fat on those little arms and legs.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 27 - Day 29

We are continuing on with great progress. Carter is having less and less episodes with his heart rate dropping. They started turning down is flow from his high flow tube that was given Oxygen with pressure and warmth..he did great with continued deceases and they have officially taken him off the high flow as of today (Sunday). He now has a nose cannula with regular oxygen with no pressure and warmth and is doing really well..held him tonight and had 0 episodes (WOOHOO)!
He also has only one feeding tube..he had another tube that would allow him to burp and the air to escape his little body and now he just burps on his own and he gets to figure out to do with all of that.
Weighing in a 2lbs 9oz...he is gaining a little weight..not what they want right now, they would like him to gain more so they are adding some more fortifier to his milk to fatten him up and making me eat more and more and more fat!!! I guess I really have a reason to eat anything now...i will take it!
He is sure showing us that he is a strong little man and what he is made proud of him.
Please keep praying and for all of his little roommates that need our prayers too!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 26

Roll over, roll over...I know..Can you believe it? I was visiting today when I witnessed him roll/turn/push himself from his belly to his back. I was amazed and I think the nurse thought I was a little crazy until she saw it herself. After I left today she made sure to tell the night nurse to tell me that he did it all day.
He had a good day with his episodes and almost had 2 this evening when we were visiting/Kanagrooing but he stopped himself and brought his stats right back.
Active boy today but a good boy!!!
Still weighing 2lbs 6oz but did gain a few grams so he is trying to add all of his grams to make an ounce.
We visit tomorrow around lunch.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day 25

Today Kevin and I had our visit this afternoon. They started adding calories to his breast milk to help him add on more pounds so they will see how he handles that. Mrs. Joe said that he had a little more episodes today than usual but he was constantly taking his feeding tube out all day and they had to keep taping it so she thought that may be the reason.
He had one episode while we were there and then he scared the heck out of me. He kept dropping his oxygen stat and we thought that maybe one of his wires were, as he was dropping his oxygen stat and the nurse came to check on him then he dropped all of his stats...oxygen and heart rate BOTH! I did not like but he brought it back immediately and we put him to bed..time for us to go.
Called to check on him around 5 and he was doing much better..we will call tonight to see how he does.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 24

Today was good!
We waited to visit tonight so we could spend our couple of hours and hold him. He had a couple more episodes Saturday night (about 4) so they are not going to wean him any more off of the oxygen (hi-flow)...he is still breathing the same amount of oxygen in the air (21%) but the high-flow gives his lungs moisture and helps keep them they are going to leave him alone today with that and see how he does.
They have him on the maximum amount of feedings (7ml an hour) on a continous pump so he does not get it all at once. He had some residuals (milk left in his tummy) tonight but it was only 4ml and the nurse said that is fine.
Weighing in at 2lbs 6oz!!!! Our big boy!
They might start putting more calories in with the breast milk to fatten him up on Tuesday and Wednesday to see if that helps with his weight gain. We will see.
We will update tomororw.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day 23

3 weeks old today!!!!!
Go Carter!
Martin the nurse practioiner told him to continue to behave and he can have more milk..haha! Hope he listens..
Had a episode while I was Kangarooing today and I knew it was coming when I felt him get real limp..I closed my eyes too and then the alarm went off..he was so relaxed he forgot to breathe.
Will call to check on him tonight.
Aunt Cassie was able to meet him today and hang out with me while I held was a great visit.

Day 22

Another great day..i love posting these great days!
Only a few episodes which he was able to recover on his own and with mild stimulation.
PIC LINE out (no more IV)!!!!! Yeah! One less wire to get tangled up with. He is on full feedings..still continuous (6ml every hour) and they will increase as he continues to do well.
Had a little problems with his output (bowels) but he got much better throughout the day!
Can't wait to see him tomorrow with one less wire!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Day 21

Great day!
Little man had a great day today. He only had a few episodes throughout the day and the nurses were very happy about that. He is doing very well with his feedings and they are thinking about taking out his pic line (IV) tomorrow if he continue to improve.
Weghing in at 2lbs 5oz!!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 20

Day 18 in the NICU! It is really going fast so far..hope it last.
Carter had a good day today..only 3 episodes all day..of course he had 2 while I was holding him..i take it is a compliment. Kevin thinks he just gets really relaxed while I am holding him and goes into a deep sleep.
They resumed his feedings today, finally! So, he gets 3 ml every hour on a conitnous pump and if he does well on those then they will go up tomorrow.
He has a couple of girlfriends in the NICU..talking to one of the nurses today and they were joking about how everyone goes to check on him daily. They say he is very popluar..already flirting with the ladies.
Hope his night goes as well as his day:)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 19

Today was a good day for little man..not to many episodes for him so maybe they are fixing what was causing them.
Had a visit with him this evening...a group of women from a prayer group came to the hospital to say a rosary for his continued was so awesome having them there and such a blessing.
He had a couple of little episodes while I was there and one he had to stilumated by the nurse..she had to pinch his little leg to wake him up..he was so sleepy.
Hope to be able to bring the kids tomorrow after lunch so they can check up on him.

Day 18

Another day of no feedings but he is behaving a little bit for them. All of his tet results and xrays of his little belly came back negative so they will fun them again for follow ups and then hope to resume feedings in a couple of days.
Went to visit him for lunch after my doctor visit and he was dressed up again by Lacy and hanging out...was having a pretty good far.
Kevin and I were able to visit him this evening and hold our little man and he he did so well. He was really getting mad with Mrs. Pat moving him all around but once she gave him to me he was good and went right to sleep. The nurse pracitioner, Stephanie, came in to give us an update tonight. She said just reiterated that all of his test were negative and that he was just acting up for the nurses..he has to keep them on their toes.
We will see him tomorrow!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

New pictures!

These are some of the pictures that his nurse, Lacey took yesterday!

Day 17

Lacy, the nurse, and Carter got along very well today...he behaved for her...well so far. Once again he was dressed like a little man with his hat, shirt and socks. She even decorated his little isolette and took pictures of him to display on it.
We were able to kanagroo him today and he loved it...while she was getting him ready for me he was fussy, fussy and the minute he layed on me he quieted immediatley.
Before his noon feeding that checked his residuals (to see if any milk came back through his feeding tube) and some did and looked like he had bile in it. So, they did an xray of his belly to make sure the feeding tube is in place and it was, so...they are going to cut his feeds for the rest of the day and test again the AM and if there are more residuals then they will move foward...possibly could be a intestinal infection. If not then they will resume his feedings but not give as much.
The nurse pracitioner said "He might just think he is a big boy and wants alot of milk but he can't hold it because his tummy is so little."
so, we will check on him tonight and post an update tomorrow.

Day 16

Well he had a goodnight with not tooo many episodes...he had GiGi and PaPa visit him this morning and I went this afternoon. His nurse, Lacy, loves to dress up the babies in the NICU and had him dressed in booties, a hat and a shirt..he looked so handsome. His afternoon looks good.
They did take him off the low flow of oxygen and but him back on the high flow...all this means is the high flow has more moisture in it and his little nose was drying and bleeding so they needed something more flowing to help him.
Kevin and I held him for a short while today and he did very well with.
Going tomorrow to kangaroo!!!!

Day 15

Well today was a little emotional day for me, Mom. Kevin was still away at work and my morning visit was not and was not sure if a visit was going to be made at all. The nurse practioner called me around 1pm today to let me know that his episodes with his heart happened alot more today. So, they were going to do more blood test adn another ultrasound on his brain. After hearing her phone call I broked down..not like anyting was real bad it just upset me.
But, I was able to go see him tonight with help from GiGi and PaPa and it reassured me to see him and now I could rest. His night nurse also comforted us to let us know that he was doing well..after all he is only 2 weeks old and 2 pounds. We will chat tomorrow.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 14

Another good day.
Carter finally got to eat again today after that stopped his feedings yesterday due to getting more blood. He seemed really happy about that.
Only a couple of more little episodes with his heart today and they were as big as before so maybe his transfussion helped him out.
Found he a new shirt and a new hat today in the gift shop..can't wait for him to wear it...also ordered him so clothes from some preemie websites that a NICU mom told me about..he is going to look so cute.
Kevin left for offshore again today and should be gone for a couple of days so we will reschedule ourselves to fit in our daily visits.
Tomorrow he gets another ultrasound for his head to see if there are any brain bleeds..just a follow up from last week..we pray that it still looks clear.
We will update tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day 13

Today was a quiet day..I think that is a good thing.
Carter is continuing to grow and do well. He is up to his birthweight of 2lbs 2oz and starting to get some little fat in his cheeks. The nurses and doctors ideally like them to be at their birthweight by 2 weeks old so at only 10 days old he is pushing ahead.
He has been having some little episodes with his heart rate where is lowers and he has to be reminded sometimes to breathe....he gets tired quick. They are doing some things to rule any problems out, he is on a pump for his feedings and they will do blood work on Wednesday to see if there are any infections. If all that is OK then they will just say it is because of prematurity.
Kevin and I had a great visit last night..I was able to bathe him, change his diaper, rub him down with lotion, take his temperature and get him ready for good to be involved.
We will update later.
Please continue to pray for our little man!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day 1 - Day 12

Day 1
Where do we start!!!! Thursday, May 21st I am in labor at 26 weeks 2 days! Too early!!!!
They hooked me up to all kinds of drugs and wires and let me know quick that I was not going anywhere until this baby was born...maybe 2 weeks!
We will see!

Day 2
Well the magnesium sulfate has worked, some!
4 contractions an hour, so that is better than it was!
Ultrasound came in today and it looked good, NICU nurse came in to let us know what to expect with a baby this early!
Bad night...contractions all night! Not looking good!

Day 3

In labor...BAD!
8 cm's @ 8:30 am...this baby is coming regardless what we say! And, they want me to have a vaginal birth!!!! What? I have had 3 csections....ok I will! Man, we were so freaked out and scared!
3 pushes later and 11:10 am and Carter James is born! He is so tiny and I was so scared. The nurses worked on him for a while and let me see him and off the NICU he went.
Then, took a nap...I passed out. The nurse came in and I woke up and she was in my face and I freaked out! It was kinda funny!
My legs are finally getting back their feeling and we are off to see him for the first time...well my first time...Dad has been there 3 times!
He is so tiny and everything is so scary right now because it is just so unknown territory right now.
Went to visit again tonight and he continues to fight everyone and continue to do what he needs to do at this age. The nurses like his size..2 lbs 2oz for his age . He is still on the vent but have turned it down a bit..he is a strong little man.

Day 4

He had a good night...they think he has an infection in his airway and are waiting the results of that test. They are going to try to take him off the vent today at some time...hope that works. I started pumping today and have been very successful...that is so good because they encourage it for the baby.
Baptized today @ 11 am by Fr. Cutis Mallet...he was so awesome and so good to us...We love him!
He is off the vent...took him off at 5pm and Martin (nurse practioner let us know that he kinda of acted up a bit but then started behaving..hard-headed already!
He has a cpap with 40 % oxygen and they will see how he does.

Day 5

He had another good ngiht....still on 40% of oxygen with the cpap....His glucose was a little high but that is totally normal with preemies...they think they hear a heart murmur and will hopefully check it with an ultrasound.
Time to go home today...kinda of sad but I know that this is the most amazing place for him right now and they are so wonderful hear!

Day 6

Glucose looked better today and his gases look good..I know medical terminology! Just means that his levels in his oxygen are looking good. They turned down his cpap to 32% tonight because they think they were hyperventilating him....he was being blown up!
Having a couple of episiodes were he drops his heart rate real low..machines start beaping and then you just have to wake him up to remind him to breathe and then he is fine...scary when he does it though.
He ate today for the first time....a whole 1 ml of breastmilk..hope he likes it!
Another milestone...he took his light off and his glasses today so no more sunbathing....cpap down to 23% and will continue to eat every 3 hours...
he has had a good day!
Had the ultrasound of his heart and the murmur is no longer there but they want us to be prepared that it could return....we know that we will have good days and bad but we love to celebrate him on the good ones.
They might take him off the cpap tomorrow if he is behaving and not acting like a wild boy!!!!
Please continue to pray...

Day 7

Well, he had some more little episodes with his heart (called Brady) but had a great night other than that.
Had a little bit of residuals of milk come back through his tube today but they will moniter that before they increase his feedings.
I was visiting today and him and his heart decided to act up so I had to remind him to breath and place my hand on him...he did it twice while I was there...I hate when he does that!
He weighs 1lb 13oz today..totally normal to lose some along the way but he needs every once he can get.
CPAP is OFF!! My little man only has a little nose canula in his nose...he is so big!
They took another line out of his belly so all they have in there is his IV...he even sleeps on his belly now and LOVES it!
I helped his nuse change his sheets today and it felt so good to be a part...his eyes are beginning to open!!!! He is doing so well all considered but still taking day by day!

Day 8

His oxygen flow is 21%...same that you and I breathe!!! Gave him so caffeine to his system to help at that my boy our what?
They are continue to wean him off of his flow of oxygen and they have increased his feedings to 2 ml..he likes that milk!!!
He had 2 new visitors....Alex and Mary Claire! She was so funny and kept saying that everything was so tin...which I would of had a video camera. Alex took it wonderfully...just like a big brother and the nurse gave him a diaper to bring to school to show his friends...and we got one too...even Nanny..oh yeah! she was his other visitor and she was able to touch was so good!
His glucose was a little high again so they are adjusting his IV fluids to see what he needs..they may have to give his so insulin if they can not bring it down.

Day 9

I held him today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The nurse asked me and I practically ran up front to get a gown...he was so little and we did not want to overstimulate him so I held him for only 15 minutes but what a 15 minutes it was...I sang to him and just held him and rocked...It was so completely wonderful!
They have increased his feedings to 3 ml (they are just filling up that little tube)...glucose still higher than they like.
Kevin went offshore today and was not thrilled but had to go...he calls often:)
His 6pm feeding was 4ml!!!!!
His GiGi and PaPa were able to see him tonight..they increased more of his feedings to 5 ml and was doing what he does best....sleeping on his belly!
Called @ 9:30 to tell him nighty night and I would see him in the am!

Day 10

Happy 1 week birthday Carter!
Wow, now he is drinking 6 ml of milk...I think he likes it! Still doing well on his oxygen and his glucose looked real good today!!!! It went down like 70 points...we like that!
PaPa and GiGi went home we will see if my other babies behave for me while Kevin is at work...lets's cross our fingers.
We will check on his later...oh and he has a new shirt on today! We love that he is wearing clothes...well kinda of clothes.
5 pm visit was good! He now has an IV in his arm and no more tubes in his umbilical cord....eating 6 ml now but had some residuals withnthat feeding but they think it is the stress of all that they did to him today.
Tomorrow we get to Kangaroo him (skin to skin contact) excited for that!!!!

Day 11

Kangaroo Day!
We arrived at the NICU and man it was a busy day! Lots of new babies so the nurses had their hands of those days we will experience where nurses are running around and machines going off.
Then the nurse set me in my chair with my baby and Kevin and I chatted while we fed and loved on little Carter for almost 2 hours.
He is up to eating 8 ml and now weighs 2lbs!!!!
Hope to bring the kids after mass if the craziness in the NICU slows down...going to try to upload some pics.
Another visit from the big kids tonight! They were excited to seee him....he is doing well tonight and will increase feedings to 9 ml @ midnight.
Kinda of a busy and sad day in the NICU and one we will probably see again in the next 3 months. They lost a baby today and was so sad to go in tonight and see yhat area empty....we are so fortunate and thankful for our little daily progress. We pray for the baby's soul and for the family as it has to be a horrible night. Please join us in prayer for them.

Day 12

Another good day in the NICU and a quiet day which I am happy about. They have been doing alot of things on him daily and today was just a day to relax. He is now up to 2lbs 1oz and they are so excited about that..they wanted him up to his birthweight bu 2 weeks so he is trucking ahead. Kevin and I were able to visit last ngiht and chat while we held him and fed him...we love those times.
The NICU lost another baby yesterday...2 in 2 days. Please pray for their family.